Who We Are
Bethlehem Baptist Church exists to reach the lost and teach the saved how to live for Christ Jesus. We are a Baptist congregation that seeks to preach the good news of Jesus Christ. The good news of the gospel is central to who we are and what we do.

Our Mission
Bethlehem Baptist Church exists for the glory of God; to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ; to teach and apply the Word of God; and to see souls saved, baptized, and discipled.

Servant Hearted, Kingdom Minded, and Christ Focused

Our mission drives everything we do, from the ministries we provide to the resources we produce. We hope this calling serves as an invitation to actively participate with us in the work of the Lord rather than remain a passive observer.

Servant Hearted
Why should we serve? Because Christ served us and He is in us. The God of the entire universe humbled himself and became a servant. He came down to earth and gave his life for you. Our encouragement, example, and strength to have a servant heart come from the Jesus Christ and his promise to work in you. It’s our goal at BBC to help and reach those in our community and our world by serving.

Kingdom Minded
To be kingdom minded is to keep God at the center of all we do. It is a partner to being servant hearted. Our vision is to help our church to stay focused not only the work but the will of God through God centered worship, prayer, missions and outreach activities. We must be vigilant to continue to ask ourselves, “How are we growing God’s kingdom?” with every action we take—individually and corporately. This is the mission of the church and the work we were all made for.

Christ Focused
A Christ-centered life begins with realizing that the source of everything we are is the Lord. He created us, he owns us, he gifted us with talents, he authors our story, and every blessing that we receive comes from him (Gen 1, Acts 17:26, James 1:17)
A Christ-centered life has one ultimate goal: that Jesus gets the glory. It’s not wrong to pursue personal goals, but the glory of Christ is the orienting compass that gives direction to all others.