Thank You!
When we give generously and sacrificially, it’s not because God needs anything, but because we want to show our love for him. Giving is an expression of obedience, yes, but also of gratitude, trust, and increasing joy.

Did You Know You Can Setup Reoccurring Giving?
Our giving platform allows you to automate your giving. You can choose the frequency and even what day of the month it occurs. Many of us automate our mortgages, utility bill, and other expenses because they’re so vital that we’d hate to forget them. Our giving to the local church is vital, so why not give it the same priority?

How Can I Give?
We are so glad that you are willing to share in the ministry of BBC through your generous gifts. BBC accepts tithes and offerings in a variety of ways.
1- Give Online By Clicking The GIVE HERE button. Easy, fast, and you can also designate funds to General Funds (funds that we use to operate the every day to day operations and support ministries. You can also designate to support our $10 per week towards mission focus. You may also wish to support the Capital Campaign Fund or designate to another ministry in the church. All of this can be done through our online platform. Giving online also lets you set up reoccurring funding.
2- Download our Church Center App! Setup your account and easily give or set it and forget it so that you never have to worry about writing a check again.
3- Each week during our Sunday Morning service, we set aside a special time of worship as we pass our offering plates and pause to give thanks to God for all of our blessings.
4- Drop it by the church office- We are always happy to help.
You may also consider including Bethlehem Baptist in your estate planning.
Whatever you give- we appreciate your support of the work to honor God at BBC!